Car Accidents

Car Accidents

Experienced Car Accident Attorneys at Peña Law Firm

Car accidents are one of the most devastating events that can occur to anyone. Depending on the nature of the accident, it can change your daily life in an instant and leave you struggling to provide for yourself and your loved ones. The Peña Law Firm is dedicated to helping car crash victims get the compensation they deserve for the injuries they sustained due to the negligence or fault of others. Contact our experienced injury attorneys today to learn more about how we can help you get the compensation you deserve. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you in determining whether there is a need to file a lawsuit and working with you to ensure that you receive fair compensation for your losses.

Common Injuries Sustained in Car Accidents

Depending on the circumstances of the incident, there are a variety of types of injuries sustained in a car accident, including:
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
  • Neck or Back Injury
  • Concussion
  • Broken Bones
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • PTSD / Depression
  • Paralysis
  • Wrongful Death

It is in your best advantage to retain the services of an experienced car accident injury lawyer if you suffer any of these injuries in a car accident. Our team of committed car accident attorneys at the Peña Law Firm works hard to get you full compensation for your lost income wages because you were injured in an automobile accident and are unable to return to work, as well as for any property damages and your pain and suffering following the car accident.

If a loved one has died as a result of the car accident, we will submit a wrongful death claim on your behalf to make sure you get the maximum compensation from the at-fault driver and any associated insurance companies. These kinds of incidents are painful, complicated, and very challenging without the help of an experienced personal injury attorney on your side.

Why Hire a Car Accident Attorney To Fight For You

Having to deal with a major setback in life due to a car accident can be highly upsetting and disruptive to daily life. Car crashes not only leave you with injuries that could take years to recover from, but they also cost a lot of money and require tedious insurance company negotiations.

The knowledgeable auto accident attorneys at Peña Law Firm can assist you in realizing your legal rights and obtaining compensation for your losses and inconvenience for you and your family. Retaining the services of a car accident injury firm to handle your case reduces the possibility of errors occurring throughout the legal process.

To put it briefly, an auto accident lawyer can look at your case in extensive detail, obtain proof fast, and even represent you in negotiations with insurance companies. Furthermore, until you win, you will never pay us a penny.

Types of Auto Accident Cases That Can Result in Compensation

At the Peña Law Firm, our team of specialized auto accident attorneys handles many different types of traffic accident cases including:
  • Rear-end Accidents
  • Head-on Collisions
  • Hit and Run Accidents
  • Drunk Driving Accidents
  • Texting and Driving Accidents
  • Reckless Driving Accidents
  • Employee Vehicle Accidents
  • Uber / Lyft Accidents
  • Rideshare Accidents
  • Bus Accidents

We will fight for you until you receive the most compensation and justice for your struggles and disruption to your daily life if you have been injured in any of these accidents.

Who’s Liable in a Car Accident Case

Owners of automobiles have a window of time after an accident to notify their insurance provider. It is best to report the occurrence as quickly as possible, particularly if you want to sue the at-fault driver for damages. Even though the careless driver bears direct responsibility for your car accident injuries, you will need to provide evidence of their carelessness or wrongdoing in order to be compensated.

Our experienced personal injury lawyers have the skills to thoroughly review your car accident case from top to bottom while gathering all the facts to ensure that your personal injury rights are not violated. The Peña Law Firm is prepared to do everything possible to help get what you are owed for having sustained your injuries, even if this means taking your case to trial in a court of law.

Peña Law Firm Is Prepared to Fight for You and Your Loved Ones

Unfortunately, car accidents are inevitable in today’s world and it’s nearly impossible to eliminate the risk of them happening around us. If you have been injured in a car accident at someone else’s fault, you have rights!

The attorneys at Peña Law Firm have more than three decades of experience combined on some of the most complex car accident and personal injury matters to date. We know what it takes to ensure the best possible recovery for each and every one of our clients. Call today and speak with a top-rated car accident attorney today for a free case evaluation on your injury.

Schedule a FREE Consultation With a Knowledgeable Car Accident Lawyer

Even if you are not sure about your car accident claim, it’s crucial that you contact a qualified attorney as soon as possible. Call us at 361.356.1882. or complete a case evaluation form through our website to schedule a FREE consultation with an experienced car accident lawyer at the Peña Law Firm.