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10 Questions To Ask a Lawyer After You Have Been Injured In a Car or Truck Accident

If you’ve recently been in a car accident, you may be dealing with significant injuries which means tons of hospital bill, a totaled vehicle, or maybe even the death of a loved one. When you factor in insurance and lawyers, it can get quite expensive. We put together a quick guide of 10 questions to ask a car accident attorney after an unexpected car accident has left you injured and weary.

Be Sure To Ask Your Car Accident Attorney These 10 Questions

1. What should I do after a car accident in Texas?

Immediately following a car accident, you should always seek medical attention. Most personal injury attorneys will tell you that even if you don’t seem to have any major injuries right away, you should still get checked out by a physician. Some car accident injuries may not become apparent to you until weeks or even months later. At the Peña Law Firm, we work with a team of highly skilled and qualified providers who we can recommend if you do not know where to turn for medical attention.

2. How much time can I expect my case to take?

Car accident lawsuits vary considerably in terms how long they take to settle. Some are resolved in a few weeks while others could take a year or more. Ask your car accident attorney what they think the honest timeline for your case is. Their goal should be taking as much time as needed to get you the full financial compensation you deserve.

3. What are the key deadlines to be aware of for a car accident injury case?

Initiating a car accident lawsuit involves substantial paperwork and discovery. While your attorney will handle the filing process, staying informed about deadlines is essential. Your attorney will rely on your input and records to meet these deadlines and keep your case progressing. It’s important to note that in Texas, there is a two-year statute of limitations for filing car accident lawsuits. So typically, most car accident injury claims take around this much time before achieving a settlement in court.

4. What types of damages can I seek in a car accident case?

Typically, car accident lawsuits aim to recover damages for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage. However, there may be additional damages applicable to your personal injury case in Texas, so it’s advisable to discuss this aspect with your lawyer. Many factors may come in to play depending on your situation. Our main focus is to get you overall justice for having to deal with an unanticipated car accident injury.

5. Do you anticipate my case going to trial?

This question requires insight into the attorney’s approach. While a good attorney may express that a settlement is more likely, they should also always be prepared for trial if necessary. Confidence in handling negotiations or presenting your case in front of a jury is crucial. Here at Peña Law Firm, we are not afraid to defend your rights and fight on your behaf if you have been recently injured in a car or truck accident.

6. How will your injury firm bill for handling my case if decided?

Understanding the overall billing structure is crucial in your accident injury claim. Most car accident attorneys work on a contingency basis, receiving payment only if you win the case. The usual practice involves taking a percentage, typically between 20–40%, of your total settlement check. Clarify the exact percentage before engaging the attorney and finalizing any agreement to have a firm represent you and your loved ones.

7. Will you be the attorney personally handling my car accident injury claim?

Ensure clarity on who will be actively working on your car accident case. In some instances, the initial contact person may not be the primary attorney. Confirm whether a team is involved and establish communication expectations for addressing questions or concerns. We treat each and every case with particular care and attention without passing your accident case off to another attorney. Our passion is fighting for the injured after unexpected injuries alter their life and wellbeing.

8. What is the timeline for receiving settlement funds?

In the event of a settlement, the disbursement of funds may not be immediate, taking several days to six weeks. Factors such as signing release forms, potential liens, and your attorney’s processing time contribute to the timeline. While there might not be a definitive answer, your attorney can provide more information about potential delays when the time arises.

9. How should I handle an offer from my auto insurance company?

When your insurance company presents an offer, it’s recommended to have your attorney handle negotiations on your behalf. Legal guidance is crucial to protecting your rights and ensuring you don’t accept an offer that may not be in your best interest. Peña Law Firm is not afraid of standing up to the insurance companies so you don’t have to. Our mission is always to ensure you receive the maximum compensation for your injuries following a car accident.

10. What are some key points to help me understand who is at fault?

Determining fault is key in car accident cases. Whoever is at fault will end up having to pay for all/or some of the damages the other party has suffered. If it’s not immediately clear who was responsible for your car accident, it could make your case more complicated but your attorney should be able to explain everything to you when the time comes. The experienced team at Peña Law Firm will get to the bottom of that for you.

Speak with an Experienced Car Accident Attorney Today About Your Situation

In seeking the assistance of a car accident attorney, it’s important to prepare relevant questions. You’ve enlisted their services for their expertise in managing your personal injury lawsuit, so feel free to inquire and seek clarifications whenever necessary. Their role includes guiding you through the process and ensuring you have a clear understanding of your injury situation. Don’t hesitate to engage in open communication for your benefit.

We are prepared to discuss a car accident injury if this applies to you. Please do not hesitate to contact our experienced car accident firm today. Fighting for the injured is what we do, 24/7/365. With our proven track record in car accident injury claims, it’s safe to say we know car accidents. Call us today!